- Memory – The ability to preserve information (to store, organize, and utilize data relevant to it’s success and survival)
- Self Awareness to recognize and define objects
- Communication like language ability or social and conversational ability.
- Free Will – The ability of the Agent to generate, organize, choose, and obtain new and unique goal states.
- Working with Symbols or the ability to reduce symbols to concrete meaning and to organize these reductions into conceptual frameworks.
- Pattern recognition
Machine Life and Artificial Intelligence Benchmark
- Self Maintenance and avoid annihilation and rebuild and repair itself by drawing materials from the environment.
- Adaptivity: capable of adapting it’s behavior, processes, and components – to changes in it’s environment for survival
- Procreation: ability to create separate instances of itself and pass along its memories and successful adaptations and experience.
- Increased Complexity with more components, more complex relationships between these components, and more complex behavior exhibited by those components.
- Environmental Awareness – The Agent has the ability to sense, map, and navigate it’s environment.
- Fight or Flight – The ability of the Agent to detect possible dangers to it’s existence and to determine whether to attempt escape or self-defense.