S&T Human Resources Development in APEC economies

The Frascati Manual defines researchers as"professionals engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge, products processes,methods,and systems, and in the management of the projects concerned". But this definition is quite vague,and countries that follow the Frascati Manual also specify their own definitions of the term "researcher" for counting re-searchers. US uses, the term Scientists and engineers, who are individuals classified as scientists and engineers by virtue of their education or work experience.Because of these, there are differences between countries in methods for measuring the number of researchers, and international comparisons are difficult.

Total number of researchers in APEC is around 4.75 million. US, China and Japan with 3.56 million researchers account for 75%. Business sector with 3.2 million researchers accounts for 68% of total. Key R&D manpower statistics are presented in table B.

Table B: R&D Manpower (FTE)
EconomyYearTOTAL R&D PersonnelBusiness R&D PersonnelTotal No. of researchers
Australia* 2006125,77046,02787,270
Brunei Darussalam 200314017102
Canada* 2005213,930137,690134,300
Chile 200421,689 13,427
China * 20071,736,1551,186,7511,423,381
Hong Kong 200622,97712,68218,326
Indonesia 200151,5441,310 
Japan* 2007937,865620,004709,974
Korea* 2007269,409184,607221,928
Malaysia 200613,4165,6289,694
Mexico* 200589,39848,04448,401
New Zealand* 200724,7008,10018,300
Papua New Guinea    
Philippines 20059,4072,2596,896
Russian Federation* 2007912,291507,415469,076
Singapore* 200732,19818,94827,301
Chinese Taipei* 2007175,741118,005103,455
Thailand 200536,9678,45520,506
United States* 2007  1,425,550
Viet Nam 200211,3569779,328

Source: *OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators database, May 2009 and rest from UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), 2009 edition