Total number of researchers in APEC is around 4.75 million. US, China and Japan with 3.56 million researchers account for 75%. Business sector with 3.2 million researchers accounts for 68% of total. Key R&D manpower statistics are presented in table B.
Economy | Year | TOTAL R&D Personnel | Business R&D Personnel | Total No. of researchers |
Australia* | 2006 | 125,770 | 46,027 | 87,270 |
Brunei Darussalam | 2003 | 140 | 17 | 102 |
Canada* | 2005 | 213,930 | 137,690 | 134,300 |
Chile | 2004 | 21,689 |   | 13,427 |
China * | 2007 | 1,736,155 | 1,186,751 | 1,423,381 |
Hong Kong | 2006 | 22,977 | 12,682 | 18,326 |
Indonesia | 2001 | 51,544 | 1,310 |   |
Japan* | 2007 | 937,865 | 620,004 | 709,974 |
Korea* | 2007 | 269,409 | 184,607 | 221,928 |
Malaysia | 2006 | 13,416 | 5,628 | 9,694 |
Mexico* | 2005 | 89,398 | 48,044 | 48,401 |
New Zealand* | 2007 | 24,700 | 8,100 | 18,300 |
Papua New Guinea |   |   |   | |
Peru |   |   |   | |
Philippines | 2005 | 9,407 | 2,259 | 6,896 |
Russian Federation* | 2007 | 912,291 | 507,415 | 469,076 |
Singapore* | 2007 | 32,198 | 18,948 | 27,301 |
Chinese Taipei* | 2007 | 175,741 | 118,005 | 103,455 |
Thailand | 2005 | 36,967 | 8,455 | 20,506 |
United States* | 2007 |   |   | 1,425,550 |
Viet Nam | 2002 | 11,356 | 977 | 9,328 |
Source: *OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators database, May 2009 and rest from UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), 2009 edition