Firefox and Thunderbird L10N

Mozilla Firefox Evolution History:

Mozilla is a free/open source cross-platform internet suite. Mozilla suite bundles internet browser, mail client, compose, address book and irc chat client. Its development was initiated by Netscape communication corporation.

Mozilla as a project, was the continuation of the Netscape Communicator as an open source project. On 31 march 1998, Netscape Corp. released the source and named it mozilla.

Because of its popularity Mozilla foundation focuses its work in Firefox and thunderbird.

Localization Steps:

a. Pulling the English Locale

#mkdir sandbox

#cd sandbox

#cvs -z3 login

#cvs -z3 co -r FIREFOX_2_0_0_4_RELEASE mozilla/

#cvs -z3 co mozilla/tools/l10n

#cd mozilla

#make -f l10n-checkout MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser

b. Checking out Nepali Translation

#cd ..


#export CVS_RSH=ssh

#cvs co l10n/ne-NP

c Generating locale (only necessary if locale has not be submitted earlier)

# python tools/l10n/ ne-NP

d. Do the translation using translate-toolkit

#moz2po -i l10n -o l10n_po

# cp -rp l10n l10n_orig

# po2moz -i l10n_po -o l10n -t l10n_orig -l ne-NP

e. Producing Language pack(xpi) for submission after doing translation

# mkdir build

# cd build

# ../mozilla/configure --enable-application=browser

#mkdir -p dist/install

#make -C config nsinstall

#make -C browser/locales langpack-ne-NP

#ls dist/install

f. Testing the langpack xpi
Open up the browser (check the version) and open the xpi to install it. Restart the browser or issue the following command from the terminal.

#./firefox -uilocale ne-NP

g. Submitting the Translation

#cd l10n

#tar cvf ne-NP.tar

#gzip ne-NP.tar