1.1.1 Installing Oracle 10g (Installing the Database)

1.1.1 Installing Oracle 10g (Installing the Database)

This Oracle 10g database is available free for downloading from its official website. It is free for evaluation, not distribution:


Oracle has also released a new small footprint of the Oracle 10g database. Entitled the Oracle Database 10g Express Edition, it is free for development, deployment and distribution under the Oracle license. The Express Edition is primarily used for the development of single user applications on Java, .NET or PHP. It can also help entry-level database administrators when they start working on an Oracle database:


For the purposes of this manual, the Oracle Database 10g Express Edition has been used to install Compiere. You can download it for both Windows and Linux platforms.

The installation file looks like this:

$ oracle-xe-

Download and install the Oracle Database 10g Express Edition.

$ rpm -i oracle-xe-

After installation, configure the Oracle database with the following command:

$ /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure

Add the following line into the /etc/profile file, so that each time you logon, the Oracle settings run automatically.

$ gedit /etc/profile

opens the profile file. Add the following line in the end:

. /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin/oracle_env.sh

Save and exit, Type

$ source /etc/profile

This command will load the profile settings.