
Five Quotients: IQ TQ EQ AQ eSQ

Your accomplishments, career, personal relationships, well being etc ...depends on five quotients (IQ TQ EQ AQ eSQ).
  • It is very difficult to quantify or measure these values. The concepts are useful for understanding and work towards self improvement.
  • Every one is unique with different values for each. Different tasks require different combination of these quotients. For example, for an academic or researcher IQ will be important. For craftsman, TQ will be important.
  • It is very difficult or impossible to compare two individuals. We are all endowed with unique capabilities. Develop yourself with competing with yourself. Use your strengths and try to cover up your weakness by getting external help.
  • Use what you know. Believe what you feel logical and you can understand. That is all you need. No one knows everything.

    IQ: Intelligence Quotient

    capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.

    EQ: Emotional Quotient

    capacity to recognize their own, and other's emotions, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.

    eSQ: extra Sensory Quotient

    Refers to extra senses, beyond usual 5 senses, which is very difficult to define or explain. Some have got skills to impress by their looks, way of speaking,.. and so on. Some can sense surroundings/environment, read other's mind and so on.

    AQ: Adversity Quotient

    is the ability of a person to deal with adversities or ability to turning obstacles into opportunities.

    TQ (Talents/Skills Quotient):

    Competence, dexterity, experience, expertise, the ability coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., TQ helps one to do something well

    In the 18th century, European philosophers and scientists, such as Voltaire, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and Carl Linnaeus, proposed the existence of different mental abilities among gropus. An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence. The many different kinds of IQ tests include a wide variety of item content. Some test items are visual, while many are verbal. Test items vary from being based on abstract-reasoning problems to concentrating on arithmetic, vocabulary, or general knowledge. IQ tests do not measure creative and artistic abilities. IQ scores are partly a measure of how motivated one is to do well on the test. IQ tests do not produce consistent scores across cultural groups. An IQ test may include questions that emphasize skills that are important to one cultural group, and neglect skills that are important to another cultural group.

    Later Emotional quotient (EQ) was added in 1964 by Michael Beldoch. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capability of individuals to recognize their own and other people's emotions. Use these emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goals. Studies have shown that people with high EI have greater mental health, job performance, and leadership skills. In 1983, Howard Gardner's Frames of Mind discusses Multiple Intelligences to fully explain cognitive ability. Multiple intelligences included both interpersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people) and intrapersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations).

    Adversity quotient (the science of resilience) was coined by Paul Stoltz in 1997. It is a gauge or measure of how one responds and deals with everything, from everyday hassles to the big adversities. AQ is being used for assessing one's current resilience and learning how to deal with everything from minor hassles to major setbacks more effectively.

    Talents/Skills like dexterity which is important for all, especially for professionals like surgeons, craftsmen and dancers. But Talents/Skills quotient (TQ) has not been discussed in detail so far. Each person has unique talents, which can not be considered under IQ or EQ. There are many cases of excellent carpenter or painter, with low IQ. Tribal artists do not score high IQ ratings, but can produce wonderful pieces of art. Some are excellent hunters.

    eSP quotient is very difficult to define or explain. Some have got skills to impress by their looks, way of speaking,.. and so on. Most of the studies talk about five senses: vision; hearing; taste; smell and touch. There is much more than that. Physically, every one can feel heat, vibration, motion etc.. People can read other's mind and guess what they are thinking or feeling. For example, good sales person will use facial expression, body language and surrounndings/environment to decide, who is the right person to sell some thing. Great leader can mesmerize people.

    (1) All these are just qualitative models to understand difference among individuals.

    (2) There is no good method to compare individuals using these parameters. One can not compare musician skills with the dancer (like comparing oranges and apples).

    (3) Most of the tests are unreliable, biased and favours certain group. But the concepts are useful to understand different people.

    We all need Wisdom, which is beyond all these quotients:

    1. Seeing light in the midst of darkness
    2. Having hope, in the midst of fear and adverse situations.
    3. Seeing order in the midst of chaos and confusions.
    4. Knowing when we have to go fast or slow and when to attack or retreat
    5. Distinguishing truth from falsehood by keeping an open mind.
    Wisdom is just to know, where and when a certain activity should be done before whose presence!

    Career Facts

    Though You may be Good, but can not grow because:
    Your Bad Boss will continue to survive, succeed and grow up! because Your Bad Boss has a good, tolerant, forgiving, accommodating and adjusting etc.. boss !!!
    Your subordinates will do well, because you will take care of them.
    Who can help you???

    Work Scenerio

  • If one works much more than expected, he may earn marginally more, and get unnecessary extra work and responsibilities
  • Smarties will work to operate at maximum ROW (Returns on basic work unit). Like marginal utility theory in economics, if you work more than maximum ROW point, benefits does not increase proportional to work.
  • Some genii will create problems for management (and every one) and do all possible damages, so that they will be requested to leave after huge compensation.
  • Efficient staff are required to repair the damage by others. It is better for some to do nothing, rather than do nonsense or damage.

    Things for success that does not need special training or skills

    1. Complete all jobs in time
    2. Do not waste company resources which includes your working hours
    3. Follow all rules and regulations
    4. Avoid foolish controversies, quarrels and gossips
    5. No unprofitable and worthless activities.
    6. Be Sincere in whatever you do
    7. If you do not know or understand, ask or seek help
    8. Admit if you can not do a certain job, rather than spoiling it
    9. Go extra mile, do more than expected

    Selecting a career

    We have lot of alternatives, when choosing a career or subject for study. Three step approach is presented. Consider an example of selecting subject for study.
    1) List what all subjects, you will like to study (say top 12).
    2) Out of 12 subjects, choose 6 subjects you are good at based on skills, knowledge and past experience.
    3) Out of 6 subjects, select 3 subjects from resource and feasibility view point. For example, avoid golf though you are good in Golf, but does not have funds to take up that costly sport. Similarly there may be health constraints.
    This method halves the alternates at every step. This can be modified and used in many cases.

    To become the very best

    Homeowner to the plumber; Why are your rates so high, even my doctor doesn't charge this much?
    Plumber to homeowner; Yes, I know that is why I no longer practice medicine.
    Union plumbers may make more than doctors or engineers. Plumbers do make good living in developed countries like US, and so do electricians, but they cannot replace engineers. World needs an educated workforce to work more with head than hands. Good jobs are those that pay well, challenge us, are a good match for our talents and skills, aren't too stressful, offer room to advance and provide a satisfying work-life balance. But very difficult to find one best job that suits each of us.
    One of our goals in life should be to become the very best. One should go any distance, and spend any amount of time necessary to “be the best.” Do not sell yourself short. If you want to earn more, you must increase your worth, your value to others.
    It’s not what you have but what you do with what you have, will determine your success or failure.
    Three steps you can take immediately to start positioning yourself as the authority in your field:
    First, analyze yourself and determine your core competencies, the key skills that are essential for your job. How good are you in each one?
    Second, determine what you will have to be good at in order to do your job in an excellent fashion in the future.
    Third, create a learning plan and professional development program and start implementing from today.
    Find a problem that many people want to have solved or a need for which people will pay. Find a solution and give them that solution in exchange for money.

    Bad Personality Traits that can be made Good

    1. Little Messiness can inspire but avoid dirtiness and clutter.
    2. It may look bad to think of yourself and ignore others, but perfect selflessness has its own problems. Being a people pleaser will only stress you out. Think about you, when you worry about others.
    3. Learning how to say no is one of the most useful skills one can develop. You will not mess up things innecessarily.
    4. Self-confidence or personal marketing, is a good thing. It can get you ahead at work, help you find friends and partners
    5. Shyness need not be weakness, but comes with its own strengths. Shy people tend to be more reflective, observant and better listeners, than outgoing people.
    6. Being distracted can make it hard to focus on your work but it can also help you be more creative.
    7. Taking criticism is hard, so the world tells you to build up a thick skin. Instead, learn to accept criticism without taking it personally and use it to make yourself better. Just don not let it get to you too much.
    8. Healthy dose of pessimism is good. Thinking about everything that could go wrong helps you plan for those situations, and ultimately avoid them.
    9. Lazy to do work, leads to automation. Laziness can be the mother of ingenuity, if used properly.
    Develop life goals:
    Some people have known for awhile what they really want, but just haven’t pursued it. They just need motivation, some planing and determination to implement.
    If you have no life goals, take some time for quiet contemplation. Think about what’s important to you. Have a clearly defined short/medium and long term goals with a clearly defined outcome.
    Have some system to track a bunch of goals, broken down by periods of your life (1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc).